Prevention of criminal risks

Legal entities may be criminally liable, together with their administrators and managers, for actions carried out by individuals within the framework of their activities. However, companies may be exempted from criminal liability if they can prove that they have adopted and adequately implemented criminal risk prevention models or criminal compliance systems that identify and prevent criminal risks in the company.

Each and every member of the organization is responsible for complying with the rules set forth in the criminal compliance system. For this reason, it is essential that the company’s administrative body and management are involved and ensure its correct implementation, compliance and continuous monitoring.

Likewise, specific training for employees on the existence of control, prevention and risk detection measures applicable to their job is essential for their understanding and involvement in criminal compliance.

“Accordingto Article 31 bis of the Criminal Code, the concurrence of a model that meets a series of conditions allows the legal person to benefit from exemption from criminal liability.”


  • Exemption or mitigation of the criminal liability of the legal entity.
  • Reduces various risks and liabilities of directors and officers (civil, administrative, reputational, etc.)
  • It favors the implementation of a system of management and control of procedures, increasing the efficiency of processes and coordination between departments of the organization.
  • Articulates a corporate culture in compliance with and respect for the values and code of ethics established in the company.

Why choose us?

  • Multidisciplinary service.
  • Highly specialized team.
  • Local knowledge and global capability.
  • Commitment to transparency, integrity and honesty.
  • Personalized and close service.
  • Focused on their objectives.
  • Enrolled in the PCAOB.
  • Members of the Forum of Firms.

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